The aim of the journal is to serve as a platform for the advancement of critical scholarship in the field of social sciences and humanities. In terms of scope, while its empirical focus is on Malaysia and Southeast Asia, the journal also publishes papers on social sciences and humanities in general as well as those that adopt an interdisciplinary or even transdisciplinary perspective. The journal promotes wherever and whenever possible publications that work at the higher end of knowledge to contribute to concept and theory construction or at least provide theoretical insights by using empirical materials based on studies in the region. To achieve this broad aim and in keeping with the scope, the journal publishes research articles, review articles and research notes, book reviews, and conference reports. This is quite basic. The speciality of this journal is that it also provides space for thought leaders and lead scholars in the region and those from outside but working on the region to undertake reflection and share their rich experiences in research and knowledge construction through two principal modes, viz: Interviews and Think Pieces. Every issue of the journal will carry an interview with a renowned scholar in the region and internationally, and also publishes Think Piece whose objective is to allow the author (normally a senior scholar or lead scholar) to explore critically certain pertinent issues of interest to the scientific community as well as to the public, and relate them to knowledge construction and/or advocacy.